Un altro pianeta terra - another planet earth. work & projects 1987 - 2022. ediz. illustrata

Un altro pianeta terra - another planet earth. work & projects 1987 - 2022. ediz. illustrata

di  gambardellarchitetti
Pubblicato da letteraventidue, 2022
ISBN:  9788862426305

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This book defines another theoretical position in architecture, a radically different position from those that marked the last century and the beginnings of this new millennium. This theory is illustrated through the work of gambardellarchitetti based on the art of accommodation. Architecture must be comfortable, fili the eyes through a remarkable iconic power, it must avoid causing damage to the environment and for this it must not produce waste and building waste by transforming and not adding other materials, it must seek a beauty based on the use of common forms and subjects combined in an uncommon way. It must accept imprecision and must not prefigure the future but extend the present time by collecting the suggestions of memory. Gambardellarchitetti tries, then, in this volume to outline the uncertain traces of another planet Earth built by thirty-five years of imperfect architecture.
Autore: gambardellarchitetti
Editore: letteraventidue
ISBN: 9788862426305
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 608
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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