Exploring black & white. drawing and painting techniques. ediz. illustrata. con video tutorial

Exploring black & white. drawing and painting techniques. ediz. illustrata. con video tutorial

di  escandell victor
Pubblicato da -, 2022
ISBN:  9788417656492

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This book analyses the infinite possibilities that are opened up by drawing and painting in black and white, and it takes an in-depth look at the achromatic abstraction off ered through the artistic language of this pairing. Over the pages of this volume, you will fi nd a range of techniques that are demonstrated through exercises and step-bystep methods that will let you go beyond the theory and practise for yourself. It also features tips, tricks, key artists and other helpful information. Graphite, charcoal, markers, ballpoint pens, ink, watercolour, gouache, mixed media, grattage and printmaking are just some of the techniques and materials that you'll discover through this book.
Autore: escandell victor
Editore: -
ISBN: 9788417656492
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 128
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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