Guilty pleasures

Guilty pleasures

di  georgescu cosmin stefan
Pubblicato da -, 2023
ISBN:  9791220139748
In this intellectually seducing highly introspective erotic novel and existential testament Cosmin Stefan Georgescu takes us on the life's journey of a covert Alpha Male (but not only) exploring the multiplicity of the human psyche and labyrinthine spectrum of manly desires from the coming-of-age phase to the young self-aware libertine adventurer to the finally disenchanted mature man conscious of his own and of the human nature limits. In his new ingenuously open-hearted literary journey, he makes peace with his own contradictions and gives a compassionate look at the complexities of human nature establishing a fine balance between self-awareness, narcissistic contemplation and objective observation of detailed reality. In his novel women's bodies and intimate body parts and diversified heterosexual interaction become poetry and source of endless inspiration. This is a rare must-read for those not afraid to wander into forbidden realms of the senses and to spiral cerebral journeys enriched by ponderings and sexual depiction of the most intrinsic analytical nature.
Autore: georgescu cosmin stefan
Editore: -
ISBN: 9791220139748
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 262
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023


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