Abandoned belgium. ediz. illustrata

Abandoned belgium. ediz. illustrata

di  meslet francis
Pubblicato da michelin italiana, 2023
ISBN:  9782361956837

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From the old blast furnaces in the Liège Province, to an abandoned textile factory in West Flanders, the forgotten neo-Gothic marvels of Europe's first stock exchange in Antwerp, an MiG stranded in the middle of a forest, and thermal baths that have been abandoned despite their UNESCO World Heritage status... The buildings that Francis Meslet has immortalised hang between life and death and radiate a silence that speaks volumes. Through these photographs, which seem to teli us an invaluable secret, he immortalises the splendour and decadence of a nation blessed with one of the richest heritages in Europe. By emphasising the fragile beauty of this heritage, the photographer invites us to think about how we can protect it so that it continues to resonate with future generations.
Autore: meslet francis
Editore: michelin italiana
ISBN: 9782361956837
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 256
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023


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