Milongueros. dance & culture of tango

Milongueros. dance & culture of tango

di  el de la quimera josé
Pubblicato da -, 2023
ISBN:  9791280378477
The subject of this book is La Milonga, the place where the tango is danced, and the adresses are the Milongueros, that is, the dancers. The idea is to illustrate to those who are beginning to dance what La Milonga is in the broadest sense and to offer those who already know it and want to know more about Tango, other elements that can enrich them, such as its codes, culture and history. Tango is many things, because after more than one hundred and twenty years of its existence it offers us music and poetry and, through its verses, it is a source of information for sociological, psychological, philosophical, historical and anthropological aspects, as well as linguistic aspects, as well as linguistic aspects referring mainly to the "lunfardo", a slang of Buenos Aires. The "cabaceo" is an important concept, but there is much more. What is natural for an Argentinian who has been dancing in Buenos Aires for a long time is not necessarily so for a foreigner. We assume that while it is not mandatory to do something that does not seem natural at first, following the codes is essential to dance in the best milongas in Buenos Aires.
Autore: el de la quimera josé
Editore: -
ISBN: 9791280378477
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 250
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023


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