Pride. ediz. italiana e inglese

Pride. ediz. italiana e inglese

di  graziano a. (cur.); ferrari f. (cur.); lopardo l. (cur.)
Pubblicato da -, -
ISBN:  9791280717641
The volume 'Pride' intends to pay homage to the achievements made from the Stonewall Riots to the present day and to contribute to the celebration and dissemination of LGBTQIA+ pride through the faces of those who have chosen not to live in the shadows of prejudice and discrimination, but to claim their own identity and fight for their freedom and that of others. Alongside the images of Pride and its participants, the project features the voices of personalities who, through their unique and special experience, offer moments of intense emotion and reflection on universal themes. Emiliano Reali and Silvia Ranfagni, with different points of view and experiences, address the theme of coming out and acceptance, the former giving voice to the condition of a child and the latter to that of a parent. Sue Sanders, through her account of the founding of 'LGBT+ History Month', created with the aim of promoting awareness of community figures who have shaped history and society over the centuries, makes the case for the need to reclaim their memory in school curricula to educate for inclusivity and equality. The dialogue with Egyptian refugee in England Shrouk El-Attar shines a spotlight on the need to help LGBTQIA+ people in countries where legislation and culture are still strongly hostile, and on the importance of continuing to fight to break down prejudices and obtain greater rights, without stopping at these first great achievements, for a path towards a world of peace and inclusion.
Autore: graziano a. (cur.); ferrari f. (cur.); lopardo l. (cur.)
Editore: -
ISBN: 9791280717641
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 320
Anno di pubblicazione: -


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