Symmetry breaking in the standard model. a non - perturbative outlook

Symmetry breaking in the standard model. a non - perturbative outlook

di  strocchi
Pubblicato da scuola normale superiore, 2019
ISBN:  9788876426599

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The book provides a non perturbative approach to the symmetry breaking in the standard model, in this way avoiding the critical issues which affect the standard presentations. The debated empirical meaning of global and local gauge symmetries is clarified. The absence of Goldstone bosons in the Higgs mechanism is non-perturbatively explained by the validity of Gauss laws obeyed by the currents which generate the related global gauge symmetry. The solution of the U(1) problem and the vacuum structure in QCD are obtained without recourse to the problematic semiclassical instanton approximation, by rather exploiting the topology of the gauge group.
Autore: strocchi
Editore: scuola normale superiore
ISBN: 9788876426599
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 115
Anno di pubblicazione: 2019


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