Sabrina melis. unione dei legnami. ediz. inglese

Sabrina melis. unione dei legnami. ediz. inglese

di  -
Pubblicato da a+mbookstore, 2022
ISBN:  9788887071955
Inside the network of trade schools, the northeastern region of Friuli Venezia Giulia quickly established a reputation in the eld for variety and quality of productions. In 1882, the Scuola di Disegno applicato alle arti ed alle industrie opened in Sutrio. Over the next eight decades, the school offered professional training to numerous local boys until its closure in the late 60's. The small town still retains a collection of 3500 technical drawings produced by students. Within this archive are hundreds of plates collectively entitled unione dei legnami. The sheets contain detailed representations of joinery techniques. The author collects and re-elaborates a selection of those drawings, giving them a value of uniqueness, as a record of the historical shift which saw the evolution of the carpenter into a specialized craftsman. The growth of the large sector characterized by functional and anonymous design supported one of the regions most important economic sectors: the production of wooden furnishings. This book is dedicated to inexhaustible ingenuity of countless unnamed carpenters, whose contributions led to the development of joinery techniques.
Autore: -
Editore: a+mbookstore
ISBN: 9788887071955
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 138
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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