Nero. the color of dolce & gabbana. ediz. illustrata

Nero. the color of dolce & gabbana. ediz. illustrata

di  -
Pubblicato da mondadori electa, 2023
ISBN:  9788891839800

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Black, the most powerful and overwhelming color, is the symbol of Dolce&Gabbana and encapsulates opposite feelings that attract: sensuality and rigor, tragedy and love. But Dolce&Gabbana goes beyond the sartorial perfection of their clothes: it is first and foremost a way of being, questioning and thinking. In this large format book, printed in black and white, the great masters of Italian and international reportage, who have portrayed Sicily since the 1950s, are contrasted with the most important fashion photographers, who have interpreted Dolce&Gabbana Black from behind their lenses since the 1980s. These include Sergio Larrain, Bruno Barbey, Ellen von Unwerth, Gian Paolo Barbieri, Mert&Marcus, Helmut Newton, Peter Lindberg, Paolo Roversi, Giuseppe Tornatore. In these photographic masterpieces, which range from advertising campaigns to the most iconic editorials and shots never before seen by the general public, published here for the first time, the stars of cinema, entertainment and the fashion system - featuring Monica Bellucci, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Jennifer Lopez and Madonna among others - will alternate with suggestive portraits of ordinary people, in a constant dialog that puts Dolce&Gabbana Black at the center.
Autore: -
Editore: mondadori electa
ISBN: 9788891839800
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 448
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023


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