The landscape within the house. a reflection on the relationship between landscape and architecture

The landscape within the house. a reflection on the relationship between landscape and architecture

di  foti fabrizio
Pubblicato da letteraventidue, 2018
ISBN:  9788862423472

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Inhabitation is the primary action of becoming rooted with the land through settlement. The dwelling space is an expression of this bond - both inside and out. To feel oneself inextricably linked to a place, to exist in it perceiving it as an integral part of one's existential reality, is to place the landscape as the fundamental core of the living space. In the ancient forms of living, this core of domestic life was the hearth - archetypal representation of a purely introspective idea of architecture. Conversely, the landscape today represents a characteristic element of modern and contemporary inversions of the housing and typological modalities. The house meant shelter - a protective enclosure whose centralities were the fire and the patio; in the contemporary experience, we look away from the center and gaze towards outside. Reality is no longer impervious. Once changed into art, into a scenario, reality becomes domestic; it becomes landscape, the lifeblood of man's abode. Therefore, living a space is a conceptual and material expression of this current condition of belonging to places whilst remaining linked to perception.
Autore: foti fabrizio
Editore: letteraventidue
ISBN: 9788862423472
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 84
Anno di pubblicazione: 2018


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