Ffmpeg. from zero to hero

Ffmpeg. from zero to hero

di  ferrando nick
Pubblicato da -, 2022
ISBN:  9788831487344
If you ever wondered how the developers of YouTube or Vimeo cope with billions of video uploads or how Netflix processes its catalogue at scale or, again, if you want to discover how to create and develop your own video platform, you may want to know more about FFMPEG.FFMPEG stands for "Fast-Forward-Moving-Picture-Experts-Group".This book contains a basic guide, a basic dictionary and many working formulas along with step-by-step syntax explanations of FFMPEG and a lot of other softwares for audio, video, image and subtitles processing.This book describes and explains also several tools that works along with FFMPEG, such as ImageMagick, Bento4, GhostScript, WebP Tools amongst others.The book contains also a dedicated step-by-step guide for FFMPEG's various installation options for MacOS X, Ubuntu and Windows platforms.Whether you are at the very beginning or an experienced developer, you will find several effective ways to execute many tasks for your audio/video/streaming needings.The book contains over 80 chapters, and includes formulas for automation and interaction with other great open-source tools such as ImageMagick, Ghostscript and Bento4 amongst others.Leggi meno
Autore: ferrando nick
Editore: -
ISBN: 9788831487344
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 295
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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