Sustainable jewellery. principles and processes for creating an ethical brand. ediz. illustrata

Sustainable jewellery. principles and processes for creating an ethical brand. ediz. illustrata

di  fettolini jose luis
Pubblicato da -, 2023
ISBN:  9788417656768

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This updated and extended edition of our best-selling book on sustainable jewellery includes the latest developments in this area, with new case studies and fresh interviews with international designers and firms who are already creating ethical, responsible jewellery. The publication contains all there is to know in order to start down the path towards sustainability in the jewellery business, from the traceability of gems and metals to responsible production, the impact of the purification, smelting and polishing processes, and the greenest ways to work with certified raw materials, with suggestions on how to follow a sustainability strategy that takes into account the entire supply and sales chain. With an introduction written by jeweller and activist Greg Valerio, this book is a unique and essential guide for all designers who want to ensure their products are ethical, sustainable and respectful of the environment.
Autore: fettolini jose luis
Editore: -
ISBN: 9788417656768
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 203
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023


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