Sustainable electricity for a prosperous africa

Sustainable electricity for a prosperous africa

di  res4africa foundation; centrale comunicazione (cur.)
Pubblicato da -, 2022
ISBN:  9791281013001
Prezzo non ancora disponibile
Unlocking Africa's renewable energy potential remains a critical step if the continent is to achieve its hoped for sustainable development and prosperity ambitions. Upcoming national decisions on the structure of the energy landscape will influence how these are achieved, and if RE technologies are mainstreamed, they could also help to deliver a clean energy transition. As RES4Africa marks its 10-year anniversary, this 5th edition of its flagship publication reflects on a decade of engagement and action. It identifies some of the key clean energy transition challenges that remain, and proposes shared priorities and actions for stakeholders based on a future-oriented vision of a possible RE-based transition for Africa. It concludes that by reinvigorating partnerships and setting shared priorities for action with key members, partners and stakeholders, meaningful and efficient progress can be made towards Africa's clean energy transition ambitions with a key role for renewable energy pathways.
Autore: res4africa foundation; centrale comunicazione (cur.)
Editore: -
ISBN: 9791281013001
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: -
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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