Programming in c# 10. basic techniques

Programming in c# 10. basic techniques

di  de ghetto mario
Pubblicato da -, 2022
ISBN:  9791221401783
Do you want to learn the basic techniques for programming in C# 10 and gain enough knowledge to start creating your own applications? Do you want to know how .NET 6.0, the compiler, Garbage Collector and Visual Studio 2022 work? Do you want to start laying the foundation for your new profession in software development? Or do you simply need to pass college exams in computer science or computer engineering and need an easy-to-read and effective text to understand object-oriented programming? This is the book for you! This guide, however, is also useful as a reference manual to keep close to the workstation, for the already experienced developer who needs to consult it from time to time.
Autore: de ghetto mario
Editore: -
ISBN: 9791221401783
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 348
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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