Climate change and security in the mediterranean: exploring the nexus, unpacking international policy responses

Climate change and security in the mediterranean: exploring the nexus, unpacking international policy responses

di  dessì a. (cur.); fusco f. (cur.)
Pubblicato da -, 2022
ISBN:  9788833654584
Established in June 2014, New-Med is a research network of Mediterranean experts and policy analysts with a special interest in the complex social, political, cultural and security-related dynamics that are unfolding in the Mediterranean region. The network is run by IAI, in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation. At the core of New-Med's activities stands the need to rethink the role of multilateral, regional and sub-regional organisations, making them better equipped to respond to fast-changing local and global developments and address the pressing demands coming from Mediterranean States and societies. This volume examines the multidimensional relationship between climate change and security across Mediterranean Basin states and societies, underscoring the key social, political and economic challenges of the present climate emergency and outlining possible cooperative avenues to mitigate its most adverse effects. Part of a broader research and engagement agenda on climate and the environment undertaken by the New-Med Research Network since 2020, individual chapters, written by leading scientists, academics and policy researchers, tackle different dimensions of the climate change-security nexus in the Mediterranean, assessing its implications on state and societal resilience, the future of living ecosystems and the stability of social contracts as well as the urgent need to strengthen genuine intra-Mediterranean collaboration to face the climate emergency and promote an equitable sharing of the risks and burdens associated with the green energy transition.
Autore: dessì a. (cur.); fusco f. (cur.)
Editore: -
ISBN: 9788833654584
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 148
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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