Space economy. the new frontier for development

Space economy. the new frontier for development

di  di pippo simonetta
Pubblicato da -, 2023
ISBN:  9791280623034

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Based on the most recent estimates, the space economy globally is now worth $469 billion dollars, with double-digit percentage growth forecast for the next decades. but what is most important is that the space economy will provide opportunities for growth for less developed countries as well, contributing to the achievement of the sustainable development goals. These considerations are the starting point for the fascinating journey that fills the pages of this book: space exploration and tourism, asteroid economics, new "made in space" products but also space debris wandering in the traffic of increasingly congested orbits. the future is indeed just around the corner: we need to prepare ourselves by equipping our human capital with all the necessary knowledge.
Autore: di pippo simonetta
Editore: -
ISBN: 9791280623034
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 192
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023


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