Mud sealings from sanam

Mud sealings from sanam

di  vincentelli irene
Pubblicato da gangemi, 2022
ISBN:  9788849245516

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Situated at the centre of a network of caravan routes, Sanam was in a strategic position for controlling the traffic of precious goods arriving from distant lands. Ivory, ebony, leopard and elephant skins, rubber, scented oils and gems arrived in Sanam via long routes known only to the locals and nomadic groups, which the kingdom of Kush controlled. The confluence of so many assets in the centre of the country created not only the need for a more complex administration but also for workshops and warehouses in order to transform materials and store this huge wealth. The Sanam building complex was built quickly in an abundance of white sandstone and must have been imposing in appearance. More than 600 mud sealings were found within two buildings, the one known as The Treasury and Building SA.K 300. In the present catalogue only those fragments with any sign of writing have been described, apart from some fragments with a shape of particular interest.
Autore: vincentelli irene
Editore: gangemi
ISBN: 9788849245516
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 112
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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