Between sense of time and sense of place

Between sense of time and sense of place

di  -
Pubblicato da letteraventidue, 2022
ISBN:  9788862426732

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Can the architectural project offer new ways of interpreting, reading, and understanding heritage and the patrimonialization process? What are the investigation tools and design actions useful for strengthening the relationships between heritage and context? How can heritage sites best be valorized, while defining ways to sustainably use heritage and actions for its protection? Starting from an idea of heritage seen as a sense of time and a sense of place, this book poses a hypothesis: that the perspective of the project, at architectural, urban and landscape scales, can be taken as an interpretative key through which to analyse potential and critical issues related to the tourist valorization of heritage.
Autore: -
Editore: letteraventidue
ISBN: 9788862426732
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 884
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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