Anouk kruithof. be like water. ediz. illustrata

Anouk kruithof. be like water. ediz. illustrata

di  klap roosje; zanot francesco
Pubblicato da mousse publishing, 2023
ISBN:  9788867495719
Be Like Water brings together for the first time a large selection of artworks made by Anouk Kruithof over twenty years (2002-23). Exploring and re-imaging photography and sculpture, Kruithof has placed the interaction, collaboration and relationship between people and their (natural and/or technological) surroundings at the core of her practice to create liberating and disturbing artworks. Be Like Water is both textual and visual, enriched with the purpose of focusing in on her work and the fluidity of her practice. This volume is a retro-perspective; by combining and mixing works in an anti-chronological and anti-thematic way, Kruithof presents a newly evolved narrative that interweaves complexity and multiplicity with fun and play, and at the same time leaves room for a critical reinterpretation.
Autore: klap roosje; zanot francesco
Editore: mousse publishing
ISBN: 9788867495719
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 504
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023


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