Industry and industrial policy

Industry and industrial policy

di  marco r. di tommaso lauretta rubini
Pubblicato da il mulino, 2024
ISBN:  9788815388384

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Starting from the traditional representations of the firm, this book discusses a variety of other industry organization models, looking not only at companies but also at groups and networks. It also discusses how industry organization impacts on our communities of people. Hence, the reading of industrial dynamics is always complemented with a discussion on policy implications and possible prescriptions. Emphasis is placed on the pluralism of theories, on links with current events, and on economic history. The book is addressed to students of economics and management but also - including the introductory chapters containing basic tools for economic analysis - to students of law, political and social studies, engineering, and the natural sciences. Contents: PART I: ENTERING THE FIELD OF STUDY. - I. Some basic concepts. - II. Market structures: Models and theories. - PART II: ORGANISATION OF PRODUCTION. - III. Variety of enterprise models. - IV. Variety of production organisation models. - PART III: FIRM STRATEGY. - V. Mergers & acquisitions. - VI. Strategic alliances & vertical restraints. - VII. Price strategies. - VIII. Product differentiation & advertising. - IX. R&D, technological innovation, intellectual property protection. - X. Innovation in business strategies. - PART IV: INDUSTRIAL POLICY. - XI. Industrial Policy: Theories and government practices. - XII. Industrial Policy: Parallel trajectories of discussion and intervention. - XIII. The rationales of Industrial Policy: A first step. - XIV. A closer look: Antitrust and competition policies. - XV. Other rationales for Industrial Policy: A second step. - XVI. Industrial Policy and government failures: A last step.
Autore: marco r. di tommaso lauretta rubini
Editore: il mulino
ISBN: 9788815388384
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 632
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024


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