Secret belfast

Secret belfast

di  bacino lorenza; curran kathy
Pubblicato da michelin italiana, 2024
ISBN:  9782361957131

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Discover how the city stood up against the evils of the slave trade, admire its stunning Art Deco faades, unearth beautiful stained-glass windows by an accomplished yet little-known female artist, take to the windy coastal paths just out of town and peek into caves where smugglers once hid their loot, visit the humble cottage of an American president, uncover the mysteries of Bronze Age burial grounds and Stone Age forts, squeeze down a secret underground tunnel or take a boat ride to see the city's seal colony, visit the piace where Marconi cent his first wireless signal across the waves, go to a cinema shaped like a ship... Small, yet bursting with history and mystery, Belfast, far from the crowds and the usual clichés, is a reserve of well-concealed treasures that only reveal themselves to those who know how to wander off the beaten track, whether residents or visitors.
Autore: bacino lorenza; curran kathy
Editore: michelin italiana
ISBN: 9782361957131
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 192
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024


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