English communication for social and human services: a cultural - linguistic approach

English communication for social and human services: a cultural - linguistic approach

di  toffle mary ellen
Pubblicato da celid, 2017
ISBN:  9788867890859

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This book gives social and human services students and professionals the opportunity to begin developing cross-cultural communication skills in the English language. The need to be able to communicate in English is becoming more and more obvious. Social workers and other human services professionals will be working with immigrants from countries where English is the official language or at least a second language (Nigeria, Ghana, The Gambia, etc). The growing numbers of English- speaking immigrants are impacting the human services fields of medicine, mental health, social work, the education systems and the legal systems all over Europe. This book is based on the European Common Framework but goes beyond a typical English language text. It focuses on the various skill sets necessary for human services professionals, including important text analysis skills as well as analytical case skills. "Soft skills" such as interpersonal skills and expressing empathy are also presented for student reflection.
Autore: toffle mary ellen
Editore: celid
ISBN: 9788867890859
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 357
Anno di pubblicazione: 2017


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